Empowering maintenance managers with Orien

Written by: Jon Garnaut

In asset-intensive industries, understanding the balance between cost and risk is essential to building effective maintenance strategies. Changes in maintenance spend without understanding the associated risk of failure across assets can have serious consequences. Without understanding these implications, reducing maintenance spending can result in unexpected asset failure and unplanned downtime, putting employee safety at risk and proving detrimental to an organisation's bottom line.

When assisting clients to approach these challenges, we take time to understand the critical maintenance activities that keep their operation running and empower maintenance teams to balance the trade-offs between cost and risk. We use Orien to streamline their maintenance processes and improve the fundamental economics while ensuring risk profiles don't exceed their appetite.

5 ways that Orien empowers maintenance managers:

Maintenance teams shoulder the responsibility of ensuring assets perform safely, with optimal performance and minimal unplanned downtime. As such, maintenance managers across the globe utilize tools such as Orien to improve asset performance and reduce uncertainty by managing maintenance strategies and budgets across their organisation.

Orien supports these teams in a number of ways:

  1. Determine risks - Maintenance managers use Orien to collate information about the current state of their assets to determine immediate levels of exposure to risks of failure. Combining this data with a criticality analysis of equipment components identifies areas where over-maintenance might be occurring.
  2. Model different scenarios - Managers use Orien's sandbox area to perform scenario analysis of different tactic configurations and understand their impact on risk and cost profiles. Identifying these candidates for revised tactics provides them with reliable data when determining which components can have their maintenance economised.
  3. Compare budgets - Sample budgets can be produced for a detailed comparative analysis, giving evidence to support decisions around tactic revisions. This data also illustrates the probabilities of failure and the rate at which failures might accelerate. These complex interdependencies are presented in an easily understood format, supporting a more sophisticated approach to economising maintenance spend.
  4. Analyze costs - Orien provides further dimensions to these analyses by incorporating the cost of downtime caused by component failure or the lack of critical spare parts. Each of these input parameters builds a rich frame of reference that supports tactic revisions.
  5. Govern data - Orien's version control features enable these revisions to be adapted in controlled approval processes to ensure appropriate change management and data governance. This allows users to compare new and old plans to understand previous tactics revisions.

By taking advantage of Orien and modelling various scenarios between cost and risk, maintenance managers are equipped with the tools they need to reduce maintenance costs without introducing an unacceptable risk of failure into their organisation.

Our experience

Orien is a cloud-based asset management solution relied on by the world's largest asset-intensive industries. Developed by Ausenco in collaboration with leading industry experts, Orien makes it easy to consolidate, collaborate on, and control maintenance strategies and budgets across your organization to keep assets working for you. Orien's clients manage lifecycle costs and reduce uncertainty by understanding the critical activities that keep their operation running. With teams located worldwide and 24/7 support, Orien puts you on the path to better asset performance.

Our team of experts are ready to help, reach out toSergio Urra to learn more.