Greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions reporting requires precise data. To help our clients meet this
challenge and reduce their climate impacts, our team recently developed a new
Orien module that accurately tracks and forecasts emissions in your operations.
Our module accurately captures and analyses our clients’ existing GHG emissions through its comprehensive interface, industry-approved formulas, mass data importation and forecasting functions. This can either be performed in isolation to the asset maintenance capabilities of Orien, or integrated with tactics data to provide a holistic view of maintenance, operational costs and capital expenditure to determine total ownership costs. Orien not only captures GHG emissions, but also identifies reduction strategies to help our clients meet their targets and regulatory compliance requirements with accuracy and auditability.
Set your own emission compounds with associated costs and units of measure. You can also select the primary compound for reporting.
Define emissions by compounds, production per unit and upper and
lower limits based on standard GHG forecasting.
Include carbon taxes and credits to compare emission costs with negative and positive impacts.
Compare all emission compounds to the primary compound with
upper and lower limits. The top line is upper factor, the middle is normalized
value, and the lower line is lower factor.
Generate daily forecasting reports to predict total emissions
produced or reduced in different locations. You can look at emissions,
compounds, costs and quantities.
The new module is available for purchase separately, or as part of the larger Orien asset management suite. Please contact us for more information.